Sunday, July 29, 2007

MINUTES- July 19, 2007


July 19, 2007


Janice Coate

Richard Coate

James Ramsey

Kenneth Deckard

Candy Deckard

Tom Parks

Terry Wagner

Rita Bridenstine

Virginia Sasser

Kelley Sasser

David Lara

Hannah Malan

Melissa Kiser

Harland B. Wells

Glenda Murray

Karen Lester

Jeff Gill

Rena Hines

Erika Eades

Lori Kastl

BeLinda Adkins

David Sasser

Jack Vassar

Dan Johnson

Mel Miller

Pat Bays

Jamie Andrews

Julie Hawkins

Ramona Perry

Pat Bickell

Roger Gilbert

Travis L. Majors

Teresa Hopkins

Becky Reedy

Chris Petermann

Jalyn Bailey

Patty Johnson

Mike McWherter

Kim Hall

Beth Skye

Carol Lyons

Katie Henderson

Call to Order:

Jeff Gill, president, called the meeting to order.


Provided by Buffalo Hill


David Sasser

Guests: Tom Parks, Terri Wagner, CREC; Kelley Sasser, Emily Sasser; Glenda Murray; Katie Henderson; Carol Lyons


-Mel Miller reported a Domestic Violence Seminar will be held at the Iowa Tribe.

-Beth Skye, volunteer with the Perkins Animal Shelter, said lots of animals are available at the shelter, volunteers are working on some fundraising events, and there are volunteer opportunities open.

-Chances are still available for United Way’s fundraiser raffle of a new boat and motor.


David Sasser made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 5 meeting; Patty Johnson seconded; motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Jalyn Bailey reported a balance of $26,868.09. Harland Wells made a motion to approve the report; Travis Majors seconded; motion approved.

Board and Committee Reports:


Old Business:

Business Fair: This year’s Business Fair will be held Monday, Aug. 13. Committee members are Pat Bickell, Debbie Clinesmith, and Candy and Kenneth Deckard.

Harvest Fest: OSHF will be held Saturday, Sept. 22. Sign-up sheets were passed around during the meeting.

Pistol Pete Run:

The race will also be held on Sept. 22. It is scheduled to start at 8 a.m. and 50 to 60 runners are expected to participate.

New Business:



Kelley Sasser presented a short program about her new business, Happy Hearts Consignment Store.


The next general membership meeting of the chamber will be at noon, Thursday, Aug. 2, at the Lion’s Den. City manager Pete Seikel will speak about the State of the City.

Meeting minutes by Dan Johnson

PCCC will meet Thursday, August 2, 2007 at Noon in the Lion's Den on Main Street.

Good afternoon,

PCCC will meet Thursday, August 2, 2007 at Noon in the Lion's Den on Main Street.

This week's caterer is Hello! Catering.

Rena Hines will introduce this week's progam speaker, Pete Seikel. He will give an update on the state of Perkins.

Remember to sign up for the Business Fair that will be held Monday, August 13, 2007. You should have received emails asking (begging) for your participation. Sign up sheets will be at the meeting on Thursday.

Also, remember Old Settlers Harvest Fest & the Pistol Pete Run on September 22nd. Volunteers are needed for both events.

Attached are the Minutes of the July 19th meeting.

We still have a few renewals due.


Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce Business Fair

Just a reminder of the Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce Business Fair to be held on Monday, August 13, 2007 at the P-T High School Commons Area. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. for vendors to set-up. Fair hours are from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.

If you would like to participate, please notify me for more info & an application. All PCCC members will not be charged for a booth. Non-members will be charged $15.00, due before the Fair.

Debbie Clinesmith & I will be canvassing all businesses on a day next week. You may sign up at that time or call/email me for info and an application. For those who wish to offer give-aways at their booth, there are about 150 staff & personnel at the Perkins Schools who will be attending. Also, prize drawings from items donated by participating businesses will be held. This year, there will also be a drawing for the Vendors...(participating businesses)! So you've gotta be there for that!

Deadline is getting short so please respond asap. Hope to see a large group there.


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