Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 01, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes


March 1, 2007


Janice Coate

Richard Coate

Kristi Johnson

Mike Larsen

Martha Larsen

LeRoy Gibson

Jeff Gill

Rena Hines

Jeana Leatherbury

Lori Kastl

BeLinda Adkins

James Ramsey

David Sasser

Lisa Sasser

Harland Wells

Beverly Wells

Patty Johnson

Robert Johnson

Erika Eads

Chris Petermann

Jalyn Bailey

Peter Seikel

Chuck Mitchell

Jan Neufeld

Merl Kinser

Eunice Kinser

Melissa Kiser

Cheryl Sheldon

Bernadette Huber

Tod Robertson

Julie Hawkins

Ramona Perry

Jack Vassar

Mike McWherter

Pat Bays

Mel Miller

Virginia Sasser

Sue Dempsey

Pat Bickell

Jerry Woodall

M. Laughlin

Roger Gilbert

Kendra Moreland

Kris Couri

Debbie Clinesmith

Stuart Hershberger

Danielle Wotipka

Cindy Sheets

Call to Order: Jeff Gill, president, called the meeting to order at approximately 12:17 p.m.

Meal: Provided by Hello! Catering

Invocation: Merl Kinser

Guests/Introductions: Dr. Laughlin, Perkins Veterinary Clinic; Kristi Johnson, Oklahoma Blood Institute


- Leprechaun LeRoy Gibson invited everyone to attend lunch at the Senior Citizen Center tomorrow at noon. He said it is the monthly Birthday Luncheon.

- Gill introduced Kristi Johnson from the Oklahoma Blood Institute. She announced there will be a blood drive at the Cimarron Casino next Thursday, March 22. Everyone who donates blood will receive a free t-shirt and be entered into a drawing to win an Alaskan cruise. She also brought flyers about the “Members for Life” program.

- Gill reminded everyone the State Trash-Off will be held on April 14. He asked everyone to put it on their calendars and also noted that the chamber events calendar is printed on the back of the meeting agenda. He said we still need volunteers for all activities and he asked members to consider helping out by signing up for one or more of those activities.

- Bob Johnson reminded everyone about the Perkins Masonic Lodge’s Stew & Bean Supper Friday evening at the elementary school cafeteria. It is a fundraiser for the Perkins Volunteer Fire Department.

Minutes: David Sasser made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 1 meeting; Merl Kinser seconded; motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Jalyn Bailey reported a balance of $20,839.61. Harland Wells made a motion to accept Bailey’s report; Patty Johnson seconded; motion approved.

Board and Committee Reports:

Centennial Dinner Theatre: Event chair Patty Johnson said all tickets for the March 30 event have been sold, but she said if you would like to put your name on the waiting list just see her. She will call if any openings occur. There are 312 tickets out right now. She said this will be a great event and we’ll make lots of money for the plaza.

Legislative Golf Tournament: Gill said tournament plans are progressing well, but more teams are needed. Anyone who can provide a team is asked to contact Kelly Myers, Gill, or any committee member.

Old Business: none

New Business:

Budget: Bailey passed out copies of the final budget for 2007. Gill asked for questions or comments from the membership. He noted projected expenses of $47,966 and projected income of $48,550 will allow a net income of $584 for 2007. Rena Hines made a motion to approve the budget; Virginia Sasser seconded; motion approved.

POSSE request: Gill said he’d received a request from the POSSE organization for funds to help with the after graduation event for Perkins-Tryon seniors. Gill said the board is currently discussing the issue. He tabled the request so the board can discuss it further.

Program: David Sasser presented a program about progress on the Oklahoma Territorial Plaza.

He said the project has changed from its original plan which mainly featured two bronze statues to be placed on land donated by Mike & BJ MeWherter on the west side of N. Main Street. Recent developments have moved the project to the east side of N. Main on property south and east of Stroud National Bank.

The project will be divided into three phases:

Phase 1 will include the Centennial Trails and Arboretum. The cost of this phase is approximately $363,000

Phase 2 will include the statues of Frank “Pistol Pete” Eaton and Chief Notichimine, a pavilion, parking, playground, a waterspray park, and acreage. The cost of this phase is approximately $608,000

Phase 3 will include a cultural center, a traditional Iowa Tribe bark house, a log cabin, and a barn.

Sasser said he has already received enough financial commitments from private donors to be able to fund most of the first two phases, but he hopes to be able to obtain grant funding for some of the development.

During the meeting, Sasser and Martha Larsen unveiled a Mike Larsen painting of Pistol Pete. Sasser said Larsen donated the work to the plaza effort. Only 250 numbered prints will be made of Larsen’s painting, and donors of $1,000 or more will receive those prints. The first prints will be presented during the Centennial Dinner Theater on March 30.

Martha Larsen also announced an exciting related event. She said Oklahoma Today magazine is interested in helping to promote the plaza and will host “Pete’s Market Day” from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on May 12 in Perkins. She said this is designed to be a statewide event to bring people into Perkins, and it won’t cost Perkins anything. She noted it would be a great opportunity to make it an annual event for Perkins.

Meetings: The next general membership meeting of the chamber will be at noon, Thursday, April 5, at the Lion’s Den.

Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at approximately 1 p.m.