Tuesday, September 15, 2009

...my job to promote Perkins!

Good Morning Fellow Chamber Members,
I love shopping, working, visiting, eating, going to the ballgames-I love Perkins! I have the best job right here in Perkins-Best people to work with! And yep it is part of my job to promote Perkins!
I would like to let you know how easy and inexpensive it is to get your business information out in print! Print advertising in our newspaper is the best way to increase your business for local residents as well as readers from surrounding areas that have picked up a newspaper sold thru one of the many convenient stores surrounding the Stillwater and Perkins communities such as Wal-Mart, Hastings, Food Pyramid, On-Cue, Kum-N-Go, etc. Many who purchase our newspaper want to live or have an association thru our great community. We cannot rely on word of mouth for every reader. We must advertise. Lucky for us advertising rates are very reasonable in our community and I have been told by many that our newspaper contains the best news in the area. So I thought I better get with you and let you know our rates.

A business card size ad measures 2 columns x 2" you can place your card on any page of our newspaper for only $25.00 per week-heck use a repetition advertising method and place two within our paper the same week only $50 bucks. A display advertisement of 2 columns x 5" is only $62.50 just to give you an idea of rate reduction according to size you can run a 32" advertisement each week for only $128.00! Design is free of charge.

You may contact me thru email, phone or text me if you think of something and you cannot talk! Yes, I have clients that text me their thoughts and hours later their ad is ready for proofing via email. Deadline for next week's newspaper is always Friday at 5pm/sometimes I can sneak one in on Lisa and David on Mondays. Here's some ideas I had in mind for you - If you have a weekly special let's tell the readers about it. If you support the Demons show them with a logo in your weekly ad-they will be more inclined to trade with you. What about listing your menu? List your products-increase your sales locally. Advertise anything you want others to know about your business to increase their buying. If you have a youth affiliated organization such as a church group meet or rally skate whatever - get the word out! More people will come, buy, or trade and you will be at the top of your game.

I am hear to assist you-it is a pleasure to do work with you.
aka supporter of the best place ever!

Sheila Foos
Advertising Director

The Perkins Journal
The Stillwater Journal
P.O. Box 667
Perkins, OK 74059

Visit us online at www.thejournalok.com