Sunday, September 02, 2007


Jeana Leatherbury
Debbie Clinesmith
Teresa Hopkins
Charles Hopkins
Harland Wells
Cindy Sheets
Earl Kiser
Melissa Kiser
Pat Bays
Dave Sasser
Lisa Sasser
Martha Larsen
Kenneth Deckard
Candy Deckard
Robin Foster
Virginia Sasser
Regina Hall
Lacy Toews
Rena Hines
Jack Vassar
Roger Gilbert
Merl Kinser
Eunice Kinser
Lee Denney
Misty Burk
Alison Bloyd
Tiffani DeArmond
Bob Brown
James Ramsey
Pat Bickell
Dan Johnson
Jalyn Bailey
Jeff Gill
Kelly Myers
Call to Order: Jeff Gill, president, called the meeting to order at 12:27 p.m.
Meal: Provided by D’Mario’s
Invocation: Merl Kinser
Guests: Chuck Hopkins
- Regina Hall brought Smart Start Payne County ‘Spirit of the Family’ awards applications. She said Smart Start is will recognize businesses that have strong family workplace policies. Large and small companies will be considered. Two businesses in both Perkins and Cushing will be selected, and four businesses in Stillwater will receive the award. The awards will be presented at a luncheon Oct. 24 at Meditations in Stillwater. The luncheon will also feature a speaker who will
discuss economic development and young children.
- Hall also noted Smart Start’s Kid’s Calendar for Fall 2007 was printed this week. Smart Start entered a partnership with The Journal to produce the tab, which is a compilation of activities in Payne County for families and children. Hall had some of the calendars on hand. The calendars are produced three times per year: fall, spring and summer.
Minutes: Pat Bickell made a motion to approve the minutes of the Aug. 2 meeting; Harland Wells seconded; motion approved. Secretary Cindy Sheets expressed thanks to Dan Johnson, who took minutes at the last two meetings during her absence.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Jalyn Bailey reported a balance of $27,084.97. Roger Gilbert made a motion to approve the report; Rena Hines seconded; motion approved.
Board and Committee Reports:
Business Fair: Pat Bickell reported the Business Fair, which was held Monday, Aug. 13, was a success. She said more than 40 tables of vendors participated. Superintendent James Ramsey said everyone was happy with the Fair. “Even I, because I won a big jar of beef jerky,” he said.
Harvest Fest: OSHF parade applications have been sent out. Some applications were also available during the meeting. Dan Johnson said committee chair Chris Petermann needs help soon in the promotion area. If you want to help with that, or anything during Harvest Fest, please email Chris.
The next committee meeting will be held at noon Tuesday, Aug. 28, at D’Mario’s.
Pistol Pete Run: The next committee meeting will be held at 8 a.m. tomorrow (Aug. 17) at Jalopy’s.
Old Business:
Sound system for downtown: no discussion or action
Christmas lighting for Main Street: no discussion or action
New Business: none
Program: Perkins-Tryon School superintendent James Ramsey presented a short program about the new
school year, which started today (Aug. 16). Ramsey showed a six-minute video, then spoke about new hires and changes at the schools; capital improvement projects; reported enrollment as of today is 1,396.
Ramsey said he turned down numerous transfer applications during the summer. A few at each campus were approved just before school started.
Ramsey said the next building project on the school’s collective list is an addition for Fine Arts. However, considering the school’s growth, he wouldn’t recommend pursuing that unless an 8 to 10 room addition of classrooms was built at the same time. Ramsey said he has mixed feelings about the possibility of an extended school day. He thinks it’s not a good idea for the younger children, but he’d support a longer day for the junior high and high school. He also said he thinks either an extended day or longer school year will eventually happen.
The superintendent said P-T is considered a 4A school in everything but football (2A). Next year football will be 3A.
Meetings: The next general membership meeting of the chamber will be at noon, Thursday, Sept. 6, at the Lion’s Den. Beth Skye will report about the Perkins Animal Shelter. Hello! Catering will cater the luncheon.